Our world is in a state of flux. As old structures lose legitimacy and new modes of living emerge without a guidebook, humanity needs a clear path. But what lights the way... technology, science, or our very own consciousness?

The Human Kind Institute exists to liberate creative minds and fuel imagination. Before technology, before material outcomes, it is our shared consciousness and mutual benevolence that will guide us towards a positive future. By bridging the gap between art and technology, spirituality and science, we will encourage evolutions in education and sustainable industry. And with a focus on wellbeing, we will promote healthy mindsets fit for the challenge.

Our initiatives will include exhibitions, installations, films, advancing technology, educational programmes and evolutions thereof, that improve inter-conscious communication and promote holistic learning.

We begin with the premiere of our Human Kind Film Series at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, this September 21st 2022 during the United Nations General Assembly week. Upon the theme of sustainability, this curation of shorts will accompany the United Nations Travelling Film Festival, and panel discussions. The Human Kind Institute warmly welcomes all generations of all cultures, and is based in Los Angeles with satellite branches in New York and Paris.

Human Kind Institute